Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Lehigh Valley's Tai-Yin Huang selected for AGU’s 2018 Voices for Science program

Here is an article by Penn State Newswire on my participation in the AGU Voices for Science Program, Physics professor selected to be part of American Geophysical Union program

From left to right, Lexi Shultz, Meredith Schervish, Charlie Dent, Dork Sahagian, and Tai-Yin Huang

Image provided by Lexi Shultz (AGU Vice President for Public Affairs)

Monday, May 21, 2018

Safeguard Our Infrastructure by Improving Space Weather Forecasts

I was honored to be asked to contribute an article to the American Geophysical Union's blog "The Bridge: Connecting Science and Policy."

Here is the link to the article Safeguard Our Infrastructure by Improving Space Weather Forecasts

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Interactions, Dynamics, and Energetics in the Andes (IDEA)

We (the IDEA team) are looking for inputs from the general public for a video project that aims to bring science knowledge in space physics and atmosphere to their screens. More details can be found on the IDEA website,, click on the post under Science News.

It is intended to be public-driven and student-led project. If you or you know people who are interested in knowing more about atmosphere or have questions and want answers, feel free to post your thoughts/questions/suggestions/comments in that post. We will do our best to put your inputs together for our videos.